Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 2nd

Today we made quite a bit of progress. My favorite accomplishment of the day was the powerpoint. For our final presentation, we have to have a powerpoint with all our information. We hadn't started yet, and since it seems like a daunting task, we figured we should get started. Taking some tips from Presentation Zen, the movie we watched last week, I got started putting some slides together. After doing this for a bit, I realized that making powerpoints is my life calling (okay not really, but I will say that it does look quite nice). Although, I will admit, it's hard to make images of exploding energy off of the sun look zen. But regardless, it's coming along quite nicely.

Matt and I also found this really helpful website with solar wind speeds that should help make the data easier to collect, so we are progressing with that as well.

Halle, SC

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